The Real Dealio and My Mad Clean-Up Skillz Video

"I love your smile so damn much Daddy!"  --My 5 year old

Last Friday my mom came over to watch the kids so that my husband and I could go on our tempo run together before our cocktail party date later that evening.  We had just walked in the door with runner's high from our awesome run and excited to have something to get dressed up for.  I was buzzing around the house making smoothies, saying hi to my kids, checking new blog comments at an already busy time, and then posting a facebook status to express my amusement that my daughter had just told my husband that she loved his smile "so damn much".  The chaos in my house combined with the sweet comments from strangers telling me how awesome I am and how organized I appear to be from my Goal Setting With Kids Post was quite the contradiction.  My mom couldn't stop laughing at someone calling me neat and organized and couldn't resist taking my camera to snap a few shots of the current state of my house.  She insisted that I share some REAL DEALIO SHOTs of the Hood at Runninghood.  Yes Mom, here they are!  She also took a video of my exaggerated clean up dance. I'm sharing that with you too!

Note:  I do put towels on my chairs for a normal day when we are not expecting company.  This saves my chairs from being ruined with stains of all kinds in a matter of hours. 

 I think there are a few noodles stuck to the floor here.

Ah yes, and here I am posting a facebook status and ignoring my messy house.  I know you love those mismatched socks too!  Ha!  Matching socks are a luxury.  

And finally, I thought you might get a kick out the video that my mom took of me demonstrating my MAD and Speedy Clean UP Skillz YO!  

A few notes about the video:
*  Yes, I did pick up a container of wax that I then threw into the hallway and announced that "I wax my mustache with that".  
*  I had just posted this as my facebook status when she started the video:
"crap!  E just told her Daddy :"I love your smile so damn much!"  crap crap crap!  Now there's some "real" Amanda Motherhood for you.  Now my mom is taking pictures of my messy "disorganized" house and cracking herself up after I received an e-mail from a blog reader telling me that I'm so "organized"!  Glad you get a kick out of yourself stop taking pictures!"
*  If I am honest with myself, when I post a facebook status is is always nice to get at least a "like" or a comment or two.  Especially when posting a status that admits to everyone that my kid just said damn.  There is an underlying vulnerability that comes with "putting yourself out there" sometimes.  
*  I totally exaggerate this fact in my video and demonstrate how easy it is to get compulsive about checking FB right after posting a status.  Is it just me?
*   If you can't tell, I'm humming the tune to William Tell Overture (Lone Ranger Theme), a go-to "in a hurry" tune I start singing or humming since I had to learn this song on the flute in sixth grade.  
*  I'm not quite sure why I keep saying "Check it!"
*  I'm also not sure why I talk as if my husband isn't home even though he is obviously there in my messy kitchen.  
*  No, I really don't spend all day reading Jane Eyre and using the computer...this was a joke really does get busy around here with three kids!  Despite the misconceptions about SAHM's, we do work too. Ha!  I like to say that FB is my "staff room" though...when I was a teacher, I could just pop in the staff room, office or my friends' classrooms and talk to adults, make some jokes, and unload.  Now, my adult interaction seems to be more of a virtual connection.  

Keep it real peeps!  

1.  Do you have a go-to tune that you hum or sing at times when you are in a hurry, excited, or happy?  

2.  Do you keep your house picked up most of the time?  
I try!  But sometimes I feel like if I worry too much about it then I spend my entire day cleaning and picking things up when really, I might as well just wait until the end of the day to do it all.  But I like a tidy house.  I also do a lot of art and messy stuff with my kids so this doesn't always lend to a clean house 24-7!  

3.  Any of you Oregon people out there planning on being there for the Race for the Roses 5k, 10k, or half-marathon this weekend?  


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